A few weeks later, I got an email from Cyril. He was recommending that I sign up for the TNF Leadership Course this summer. I was originally very honoured to be invited to this course, as I had always though of it as a very advanced program. I then became apprehensive. I'd already "coursed out" my summer. I didn't want to be someone who takes courses and never climbs. Those people are straight-up scary to go with; they think that they know what they're doing because they've been taught it, but never practiced, so they screw-up dangerously.
I hummed and hawed until I finally decided to just go for it and devote myself to climb as much as I could to practice my skills. I think that I've actually done OK with that so far. The weekend after the trad climbing course, I went and did the Chase/Rowlands route. The day after the alpine leadership course, all of us on the course went and did the Chimney Route on Roche a Perdrix. There, we worked on being efficient and rappelling quickly. I didn't get a chance to practice my first aid, and for that, I am thankful. Knock on wood...
Now, I did end up applying for the TNF course and I got accepted. Big surprise, Cyril is on the selection committee. Anyway, I got the time off of work and actually started to get nervous as the course drew closer. How would I stack up to other participants? They'd surely be far older and more experienced than me! I soon found myself in Golden, and then driving down the Columbia West FSR to the staging area. The course required that we all keep "Learning Journals" so I'm going to copy down what I wrote each day along with some pictures.
First Day of TNF
Had breakfast with the group at the Kicking Horse River Lodge. Then, carpooled with Peter Ondrus from Edmonton to the staging area. The logging road was in real good shape and we made it there quick.
I flew in on the 6th load, and got to ride shotgun. That was mega cool. The flight was only a few minutes, but I really enjoyed that. Once in camp, Cyril already had an assignment for us. We hiked to the Ben Ferris/Great Cairn Hut, then back to camp and the toe of the glacier. We were supposed to identify peaks but the weather was not conducive to this.
I left the group at camp and started scrambling up the northern end of Palisade Mountain, but turned back 2/3 of the way to the first peak. I was solo and worried about making the 5:00 pm deadline, so I decided to go back. In retrospect, I should have just hauled ass and tagged that first peak. I was back at camp in 1h35m, with 40 minutes to spare. Totally could have made it.
After dinner, we had a short meeting with all the course participants, instructors, etc. That was cool, got to meet everyone properly and hear what they had to say of themselves. We set our objective as Citadel Peak with a 4:30 am wakeup. Also planned for crevasse rescue.
Ze Choppa |
All sorts of nerdy gauges |
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I was pretty stoked to ride in the gunner's seat |
Hiking towards the Great Cairn Hut with two guys from the St. Boniface Section |
Miguel and Ashton at the toe of the Haworth Glacier, camp behind. |
Camp from Palisade Mountain |
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Gettin rad on Palisade |
It was muggy all day in camp, but it still felt pretty awesome! |
Day Two of TNF
Woke up at 4:30, and after a rather annoying delay, got going up the Haworth Glacier. First, we discussed roping for glacier travel. Turns out that I was using the "Guide's Knot" incorrectly. It needs to be shielded by another overhand if you are in the middle of the rope, due to cross-loading.
We walked up the glacier and contoured towards Palisade Pass. Here, we talked about kicking steps and identifying crevasses. Also, routefinding and setting good tracks.
Once at the pass, we discussed how to move a group over a cornice or sharp drop-off. We practiced the boot/axe belay, which is apparently super weak. Testing later that day, we found that a sitting hip belay is far stronger.
We then shortroped the group down the pass and onto the Sir Sandford Glacier, making our way towards Citadel Peak. I did not get to lead anything to this point which was rather disappointing. We got to the base of Citadel, lengthened the rope, and then headed up to the ridge. From there, Cyril, Matt and Dave led their own teams while I got to lead mine! It was rather easy as I was just following steps and shortroping, but at least I got to go out front!
Got to the peak, quickly turned around and carefully descended back to the glacier. Back at Palisade Pass, we worked with snow anchors. It;s been 7 years since I took SIM and I've had bad beta on snow anchors. Things I've learned are in my notes on T-slots, but most important to my own knowledge was the way that the axe is placed and the way it's tied.
We then hurried back to camp, because we were late for dinner.
At palisade Pass with Sir Sandford looming behind. Matt is modeling the latest design of sunhat. This model is, unfortunately, aimed at the 50-65 year old woman. |
Heading towards Citadel Peak |
A rather aesthetic line up to Citadel |
One of the rope teams on top |
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Matt looks cooler while crossing the bergschrund on descent |
Day Three of TNF
Today started with an average camp start with brekky at 6:30. We noticed cumulus clouds hanging above Redan Pass. Baro Pressure 1037 hPa. Started towards Haworth Glacier when Cyril challenged Monte to find a new route around the lake. I already knew this new way since I'd taken it on day one, but it took Monte a bit of thinking. Too bad I wasn't put on the spot this morning, I would have looked like a champ.
Moved up the glacier with discussions of routefinding and contouring. Once at the bottom of Alpinea Dome, we split into two groups of two ropes each and went up the dome. My group took a ridge feature facing Palisade Pass, while the other two ropes went up the South Face. Below the summit, we practiced pitching out steep snow. I used a mid-clip picket, which was nice. monte led up this pitch, and I followed. A quick walk brought us back to the summit.
During lunch, we observed quickly destabilizing weather. Thunder soon boomed to the NE and we got rained on for a short period of time. We left the summit and descended via the false summit and ridge. I then led to Palisade Pass. At the pass, the weather loomed very ominously and we therefore decided to high-tail it back to camp. A hailstorm hit us as we descended the Haworth, but began to let up as we got to camp.
Soft skills were discussed back in the lunch tent. We first went over "levels of consciousness", then different types of error, followed by waivers.
Blackfriar Peaks from above camp |
Practicing pitched out snow climbing on Alpina Dome |
Miguel leads his team to the top of Alpina Dome. This summit is actually staked as a CMH drop site. What a run that must be with views like this! |
Day Four of TNF
The objective for today was to practice shortroping on rock by climbing Azimuth Mountain. We got up at the standard 6 am wakeup call, and we were moving by only a second or two after 7.
As usual, Cyril threw someone out front to set the pace and routefind. I believe it was Monte at first. We worked our way up with Cyril teaching along the way. He talked about setting tracks in snow, and how during switchbacks he looks back often because it's easy to do. He also pointed out that at transitions, he moves out ahead to both break trail and also to send a non-verbal "hurry up" message.
Once we were off the snow, Cyril talked about (criticized) routefinding. Essentially, being really lazy helps you find the best way through 2nd class terrain. Here, Travis took over the leading. We got to the edge of the snow and Travis scouted around the corner. He came back saying to put the rope on. We did, but I don't really think that was necessary. There were better spots just around the corner.
We crossed the glacier, which was quite convoluted to start. Keeping the rope tight, we managed to get through without incident. A traverse led us to the base of the ridge, where the weather started to cause concern. Here, we started our shortroping practice. Since I'd already taken Cyril's shortroping course, I was intent to practice again and hammer home anything I'd forgotten. The main thing that I learned was that my hand was backwards. Thumb should point towards the belayer in a hand belay.
We got to about halfway before turning around due to impending weather. We went back to out stash of ice axes and crampons, had lunch, and notied that the weather was clearing. We went back, shortroping again, right to the summit. Had a quick break, then shortroped back to our crampons. The time was now 4 pm so we hustled back to camp through a thunderstorm, arriving just before 6.
At dinner, I told The Tale of Goldy-Cyril and the Ten TNF Participants. It got a good reaction out of everyone, apparently it was an easy crowd to make laugh.
Walking through tiger country |
Palisade Mountain, GMC Camp is hidden by the rocks in the foreground |
The Adamants through the clouds |
Mt. Sir Sandford thick in the gloom |
Silvertip and Blackfriar Peaks |
The group below the rap on Azimuth |
Travis shortens the rope with Silvertip Peak behind |
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There were a few skiers in the group... |
Day Five of TNF
Today was an easy day. We started at a leisurely 8:30 in the lunch tent, and Cyril did a classroom session. We started with radio/electronic communications, going through different types of radios, emergency beacons, etc. We also talked about FRS and HAM radios.
Matt then took us through map and compass skills. We covered how to calculate declination, grid references, take bearings, and find your position on a map. Cyril then talked about GPS systems and how to set them up. He also pressed the point that they're only to supplement a map and not to be used on their own.
For the remainder of the afternoon, we went to the rock school and practiced anchor building. This was mainly a review of the trad leadership course that I took earlier, but it allowed me to practice placing more pitons, reinforce, rigging, etc.
After dinner, we were assigned peaks to lead. I was put with Rebecca and Ashton and assigned Palisade Peak. Dave would come along with us. We planned this out, along with a backup of Picture Dome in case the weather were to crap.
Can't wait to be challenged with Palisade tomorrow!
The rock school is right below a very cool set of seracs. We're in a safe spot, but it's cool surroundings. |
Day Six of TNF
We woke up this morning to pouring rain and gusting wind to 60 km/h. It had stormed all night.
We got ready regardless, and were discussing whether plan B or staying in camp would be best. Cyril soon came into the drying tent and discussed with us. The decision was made to do classroom material in camp.
We went through Purcell Prussiks, how to use them for glacier travel, crevasse rescue, rope rescue, and or course as a personal lanyard. We then covered rock rescue which I found awesome seeing as I've never learnt that much of it. We covered both raising and lowering a climber.
Next, we covered leadership styles. We went through the various stages of group development, styles of leadership suitable to that stage, conflict resolution, and finally switched gears to crevasse rescue while the sun shone.
Tomorrow, the plan is to try again for Palisade. Hopefully (knock on wood) it goes tomorrow.
Day Seven of TNF
This morning, I woke up to a spectacularly clear sky and cold temperatures. We got moving shortly past 7 and I led us through the rubbly bit below the ridge. We transitioned to snow, and wrapped around the east aspect. Switching leaders, we continued up to the ridge before putting on the rope.
After shortroping to the first summit, we walked along the ridge while still shortroping. After a short time, we came to a point which looked at the technical climbing. This step had turned most groups back. After some lunch, we got closer and decided to give it a go. Rebecca led up the first pitch, which was horribly friable. I walked up the second while she belayed me off 3 cams and a thread. I slung a boulder after 20m and we continued on. One more pitch and we shortroped further to the "summit".
It turns out that the true peak was further along. Due to our due time of 4 pm in camp, we had lunch on top and then descended the ridge back to camp. We took a gully between the 1st and 2nd peaks. Back in camp, we unwound by cragging for a bit before running back for Mexican Night. Mexican food followed by a talent show brought us to early morning where Cyril was still blasting out classic tunes on the guitar. Slightly sloshed, we stumbled back to our tents for a short night's sleep.
Sir Sandford in the morning |
A nice clear view of the Adamants |
Rebecca shortropes LIKE A BOSS |
Working along the ridge, with our "summit" looking like the highpoint on the right |
The worst rock I've ever experienced. I crushed holds just by squeezing. |
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Because the rock was so crappy, gear was practically useless. Rebecca ran'er right out |
Dave comes up the last pitch |
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Sir Sandford from our high point |
Scoping lines on Sir Sandford and Ravelin |
Here, you can see how we're not on the actual top |
Day Eight of TNF
This morning was "fly day". We had a late breakfast, and after getting our bags to the heli pad, we had interviews with a member of the instructional team. Mine was with Dave since he had accompanied my group on Palisade. It was pretty good to get his feedback. Although he can be a bit wordy sometimes, his insights are often rather humorous and very good to hear.
He talked about making planning casual, and not visible to the participants. This makes sense; if everyone thinks that the trip is just rolling along perfectly without any effort, they'll relax and just enjoy themselves. If they see you constantly humming and hawing, then they'll get nervous and doubt your decisions.
He also talked about pushing anxiety away. Staying calm and dosile all the time is an important characteristic. Anxiety will totally ruin the environment for participants, they'll climb shitty, be nervous and have their minds off task. Keeping anxiety under the skin and not succumbing to it is something that I want to strive for as well.
His third point was that I have to make sure not to get tunnel vision when stressed. When I get uncomfortable, rushed, or similarly stressed, I can miss huge and important details. I need to avoid getting stressed, but if I do get stressed, consciously look around and think things through.
Overall, I think that the course ended well. Of course, I feel that I could have done better. I always feel that way. I really felt like I wished that I could have given 'er a little harder and asked more questions early on. I'm happy with how it went though, and now I must begin the process of trying not to forget things. I'll hopefully get a chance to practice in a couple weeks, so I'm looking forward to that!
This is interesting analysis about Trad climbing course. i really like it.Trad climbing course
ReplyDeleteWould like to use two of your pictures in a post on the retreat of Haworth Glacier if that is okay. I will link to this post.
Go for it! Happy to help.